ACON’s Pride Inclusion Programs
Pride Training is integral part of ACON’s Pride Inclusion Programs which offer a range of services to assist with all aspects of LGBTQ inclusion.
Our sibling teams include...
Pride in Diversity is the national not-for-profit employer support program for LGBTQ workplace inclusion specialising in HR, organisational change and workplace diversity. Pride in Diversity publishes the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI), Australia’s national benchmarking instrument for LGBTQ workplace inclusion from which Top Employers for LGBTQ people is determined.
Pride in Sport is a national not-for-profit sporting inclusion program specifically designed to assist sporting organisations of all levels with the inclusion of employees, athletes, coaches, volunteers and spectators with diverse sexualities and genders. The world-first Pride in Sport Index (PSI) benchmarks and assesses the inclusion of LGBTQ people across all sporting contexts.
Pride in Health + Wellbeing is the only national membership program that provides LGBTQ mentoring and support for the health, wellbeing and human services sector. The program provides 1:1 mentorship, training and advice on embedding LGBTQ-inclusion throughout all aspects of an organisation; from direct care provision, policy and processes design, quality improvement planning, recruitment and workforce policies, advocacy, as well as personalised staff development and training.
The Welcome Here Project supports businesses/organisations throughout NSW to create and promote environments that are visibly welcoming and inclusive of Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, and Queer (LGBTQ) communities. Members of the project (registered Welcoming Places) receive a sticker to display in their window to let everyone know that LGBTQ diversity is welcomed and celebrated within their business. Registered Welcoming Places also display a charter that brings to life their commitment to the project, and what being a member is all about. There is a low cost to become a member of the project.