Glossary of LGBTQ+ Terms


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This page contains a glossary of terms relating to sexuality, gender, and people of diverse sexualities and genders (LGBTQ+ people).

The glossary is categorised into words relating to:

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    Word or Term Definition Category
    Agender Describes people with the absence of an internal gender identity or who have very little experience of a gender. While 'non-binary' serves as an umbrella term that includes a wide range of gender identities beyond the traditional binary, 'agender' specifically denotes the absence of a gender identity. (See also: Non-binary). Gender
    Aromantic / Aro Someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction to others – this exists within a spectrum. Sexuality
    Asexual / Ace Someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction to others. This exists within a spectrum and does not necessarily imply a lack of libido or sex drive. Sexuality
    Bi+ / Bi plus umbrella An inclusive term that refers to all people who are attracted to more than one gender. Some bi+ identities include: bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, queer, bi-romantic, and fluid. (See also: Bisexual, Pansexual, and Queer). Sexuality
    Binary When referring to gender, the two binary genders are male/man and female/woman. Gender
    Binding A form of gender affirmation that involves flattening the chest with a tight top called a ‘binder’.
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    Biphobia Refers to negative beliefs, prejudice and/or discrimination against bisexual people. This can include a dismissal of bisexuality, questioning whether bisexual identities are authentic or an inappropriate focus on the sexual desires and practices of bisexual people. Attitudes & Issues
    Bisexual / Bi Someone who is attracted to people of the same gender and people of different genders. This can include non-binary genders. Sexuality
    Bisexual erasure / Bi erasure The tendency to ignore, remove, falsify, or re-explain evidence of bisexuality in history, academia, the news media, and other sources. Attitudes & Issues
    Brotherboy A term used by some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to describe trans people who have a masculine spirit and take on men’s roles within the community. (See also: Sistergirl and Trans Mob).
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    Cisgender Describes people whose gender is the same as the sex assigned to them at birth (male or female). ‘Cis’ is a Latin term meaning ‘on the same side as’.
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    Cisnormativity Assumes that everyone is cisgender and that all people will continue to identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. Cisnormativity erases the existence of trans people. Gender
    Deadname Used by some trans people to refer to the name they were given and known as prior to affirming their gender. Can also be used as a verb (i.e. to 'deadname' someone).
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    Gay / Lesbian Someone who is exclusively romantically and/or sexually attracted to people of the same gender as themselves. Lesbian is typically a word used to describe women who are attracted to other women whereas gay can be used to describe anyone. Gay and Lesbian are often preferred over the term “homosexual”, which some community members consider pathologising. Sexuality
    Gender affirmation An umbrella term for the range of actions and possibilities involved in trans people living, surviving, and thriving as their authentic gendered selves.
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    Gender diagnoses While being trans is not an illness and cannot be diagnosed, some forms of medical gender affirmation still require a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria and/or gender incongruence.
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    Gender diverse An umbrella term that includes all the different ways gender can be experienced and perceived. It can be used to refer to people questioning their gender, those who identify as trans/transgender, genderqueer, non-binary, gender non-conforming and more. Gender
    Gender dysphoria The distress or unease some trans and gender diverse people may experience associated with their gender, their bodies, or how those around them perceive their gender.
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    Gender euphoria A positive and exciting feeling of one’s gendered self - the feeling of comfort, certainty, joy, or excitement people can feel about their body or identity.
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    Gender experience Describes the relationship between a person’s gender, and the gender they were presumed at birth. Most people have a cis experience of their gender, and some have a trans experience of their gender. Gender
    Gender expression Describes a person's behaviour, mannerisms, interests, and appearance that are associated with gender – often regarding the categories of femininity, masculinity and androgyny. Gender
    Gender identity Describes one's innermost concept of self – how individuals perceive themselves. This may be different to sex recorded at birth and may be different to what is indicated on legal documents. Man, woman, and non-binary are common gender identities. Gender
    GRS Genital reconfiguration surgery - sometimes also known as sexual reassignment surgery (SRS), ‘bottom surgery’, ‘lower surgery’, and a range of other names.
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    Heteronormativity The societal view that heterosexual relationships are the only natural and normal expression of sexual orientation and relationships. Attitudes & Issues
    Heterosexual Straight Typically describes men who are exclusively attracted to women, and women who are exclusively attracted to men. Sexuality
    Homophobia Refers to negative beliefs, prejudices, stereotypes and fears that exist towards people with diverse sexualities. It can range from the use of offensive language to bullying, abuse and physical violence. It can also include systemic barriers, such as being denied housing or being fired due to a person’s sexual orientation. Attitudes & Issues
    HRT / GAHT Hormone Replacement Therapy, sometimes also known as Gender Affirming Hormonal Therapy or GAHT. This can consist of taking hormones and/or blocking existing hormones in the body.
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    Intersectionality The ways in which different aspects of a person's identity (such as gender, sexuality, race, ability, etc.) can expose them to overlapping forms of discrimination and marginalisation. Attitudes & Issues
    Intersex Describes people who have innate sex characteristics that don’t fit medical and social norms for female or male bodies, and that create risks or experiences of stigma, discrimination and harm. Intersex is about an individual’s body and is not related to sexuality or gender.
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    Neither Gender or Sexuality
    Legal gender marker The gender classification recorded when a child’s birth is registered. In Australia this is either M or F at birth and can later be amended to match one’s gender on birth certificates, passports, and in other legal systems.
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    Legal name A person’s name as listed on their birth certificate or other official documentation.
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    Microaggression A statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of subtle or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalised group. Attitudes & Issues
    Minority stress A term to describe the chronic stress people in minority groups experience as a result of a lifetime of harassment, maltreatment, discrimination, victimization, and limited access to care. This contributes in large part to the health disparities faced by minority communities including the LGBTQ+ community. Attitudes & Issues
    Misgendering When a person is referred to by words or language that is incorrect for them, such as using a former name or pronoun, or making assumptions about their gender based on their appearance. Gender
    Mx. A gender-neutral title/salutation that can be used in place of Mr/Mrs/Ms etc. Usually pronounced like "mix". Gender
    Name (as opposed to previous name, old name, or deadname) The name a person uses and is known by, which may or may not be their legal name.
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    Non-binary A term used to describe genders that sit outside of the man / woman binary. This includes people whose gender is not exclusively female or male. A person might identify solely as non-binary, or relate to non-binary as an umbrella term and consider themselves genderfluid, genderqueer, trans masculine, trans feminine, agender, bigender, or something else. Gender
    Packing The use of a packer - a realistic or semi-realistic looking penis made out of material like silicone (or even just a rolled up sock). People can use packers for the shape it creates, to feel comfortable and confident, or just because they want to.
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    Padding The use of bra inserts, breast forms or other forms of padding, with the intention of filling a bra cup or pushing up existing breast tissue.
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    Pansexual Someone who is attracted to people regardless of their gender identity. Often framed as attraction to all genders, or attraction to people based on specific traits unrelated to gender. Sexuality
    Presumed gender at birth (PGAB) / Assigned gender at birth (AGAB) Refers to the gender identity recorded on a birth certificate as declared at birth – typically by the attending doctor. May also be referred to as “assigned gender at birth.”
    • Someone presumed female at birth (PFAB/AFAB) would have been considered by the attending doctor to have female sex characteristics and have their gender recorded as F/female on their birth certificate.
    • Someone presumed male at birth (PMAB/AMAB) would have been considered by the attending doctor to have male sex characteristics and have their gender recorded as M/male on their birth certificate.
    Pronouns Words that we use to refer to people when we’re not using their name. The most common pronouns include he/him/his, she/her/hers, and they/them/theirs. Some trans people may prefer that you use their name instead of a pronoun, use a different set of pronouns (known as neopronouns), or may prefer more than one set of pronouns.
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    Queer Sometimes used as an inclusive umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities. Queer has been used as a slur and some LGBTQ+ people will find it offensive. Yet others, especially in younger generations, have reclaimed it as a term to capture multiple aspects of identity. Sexuality
    Sexual behaviour Describes how, and with whom, someone has sex. Someone’s sexual behaviour may not necessarily align with their sexual identity (e.g. some straight men have sex with men). Sexuality
    Sexual identity Includes how someone self-identifies and/or publicly identifies their sexuality. Sexuality
    Sexual orientation Describes one's experience of attraction to others and/or who they want to have relationships with. People can find others sexually, romantically, and/or physically attractive. This doesn't always align with how a person describes their sexual identity or the sexual behaviours they engage in. Sexuality
    Sistergirl A term used by some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to describe trans people that have a female spirit and take on women’s roles within the community (See also: Brotherboy and Trans Mob).
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    Trans and gender diverse An umbrella term used to be as broad and comprehensive as possible in describing people with gender identities and expressions that differ from the gender they were presumed to be at birth. This includes people who have culturally specific and/or language specific experiences, identities or expressions. Throughout this document we use trans as the shorthand for trans and gender diverse. Gender
    Trans feminine / Trans masculine Typically describes non-binary people who still have some relationship to a binary gender. Gender
    Trans Mob An umbrella term for all trans and gender diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. (See also: Sistergirl and Brotherboy).
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    Transphobia Refers to negative beliefs, prejudices and stereotypes that exist about trans people. Attitudes & Issues
    Tucking A form of gender affirmation whereby someone flattens the space between the legs using tight clothing or tape, creating a shape that some people find more comfortable or aesthetically pleasing, typically hiding the appearance of a bulge in the crotch.
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    Many of these definitions were developed using the work of our wonderful colleagues at TransHub.